I woke up this morning like any other day... walked to the bathroom, poured myself a bowl of cereal and put on my radio to BBC London.
Nothing out of the usual at first, but then the news update said earthquake in Christchurch - oh no, not another one - 65 dead.
I still, 5 hours later, can't believe 65 (possibly more) of my fellow NZ have lost their lives.
The spire on the Christchurch City Cathedral that I climbed only 3 years ago is gone, highrises collapsed and the CBD is almost unrecognisable.
Like everyone, my first thoughts were for my two friends who I know live in the city.
It turns out I received a txt during the night from a friend in NZ who let me know one of them was okay.
Thanks to Facebook I quickly learned the other was safe too.
Whatever you think of social media it is at it's best in times like these. Friends and family are quickly reassured and can pass on news in a split second.
Benefits can be set up, fundraising campaigns publicised and blood-drives can receive much needed support.
Twitter too is spreading news and helping those far away reach out to loved ones.
The media is doing a stunning job of covering the unfolding events - it's comforting to know what is going on while I'm so far away.
If you are able to donate please go to redcross.org.nz